April 4, 2016


Passage: Matt 7:7,Matt 7:13,John 14:2





Let us get in the habit of giving God some praise, everybody shout out thank you Jesus. I want you to begin to consider this as you training ground. And this training ground is design and instituted to get you to one place, and as it is preparing you for interest in this place it is also teaching you how to reap the benefits of loving God. Thank You Jesus

I like to concentrate a little bit on several popular passages today, we come accustom to hearing them but we do not always fully understand them even though they are very self-explanatory

Matt 7:7 Ask and yea shall receive:

Matt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate:

John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions:

One of the key ingredients to having success while walking with Christ is know how to use the authority and power that you process. In you do not understand the authority of the word then it is hard to move in the word and receive things through the word.

You need to be fully confident in this, the things that God says he will do, He will do them. This is faith thought process that you must begin to live. It is very essential that trust God to do all that he says he will do and can do.

You see when it comes to God you cannot doubt what God can do. So when he says ask and you will receive, you have got to believe it with all your heart.

From time to time you have asked someone to lend you money. You call them up and make your request. And on the other end of the line you hear them say yes. You see at that point you confidently begin to move in life with the understanding and belief that you are going to be able to do the things you needed to do with the money that you asked to borrow. You have not received it yet, but you know by confidence that the person you just asked is going to come through.

This is how you need to believe and feel when you ask God. Lord I need. You see there is no good thing that God will withhold from you. It is a matter of believing this word and then things that it says.

This road and journey of life that we are on has many obstacles and paths attached to it. It is us ourselves that play a major role in path or road in which we choose.

I want you to visualize the road to heaven as though it was a MapQuest map. You have a destination that you have program in. Point A is your current position. Point B is your final destination of Heaven. Now between point A and point B there are many freeways, highways, back paths, side streets, short cuts and so on so on. There is whole lot roads that you can choose to drive down in your effort to get to point B.

And as you take all these of the beat trails, you find yourself in places that you do not want to be. You go through towns that you pray you never see again. There are obstacles that you do not know how you are going to get past. This journey of life has and will take you places that you would love to forget that you been.

But what I want to share with you today that the road to point B requires a special type of directions. You can get there using the naked eye or common thinking, you can get there based on the quality of your equipment, or the speed of your vehicle. You going to need some special enhancements that not everyone else on the road is equip with.

You cannot be discourage when you are on this road and others seem to pass you by, they fly right on by you with their fancy vehicle, with smiles all over their faces.. But I need to tell you that the race is not given to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but unto him that endures till the end.

It is going to take a special type of concentration and behavior, you can’t just do anything and everything you want to do while on this road. The problem that too many of us have; we get off the narrow path, we find ourselves making detours while on the narrow path.

The problem with these detours is that we tend to shop on them and pick up unnecessary luggage. Our back pack is getting a little heavy, the weight on our shoulders is getting to be a little bit too much for us. It seems like when we were on the narrow road, we had all that we needed and the burden of being on this road was not hard to bear.

But that excess luggage has begun to weigh us down and occupy our thoughts. Our concentration is not where it needs to be, our sense of direction is not where it needs to be, we think that we are heading in the right direction, but we having really fallen off course. Before we realize it we have lost sight of road that we were faithfully following.

There is no way I can tell you about this narrow road in one sermon, but I need you to get this understanding that the road to point B, is not a simple one but it is a doable one. If you truly desire to get there you can get there but you have got to be dedicated to staying the course.

Because I do not want to hold you to long, I am going to start shutting this down, but God be willing, I am going to continuing with this narrow road next week.

Because to many of us do not understand the importance of staying the course of the narrow road, we don’t understand why we shouldn’t be picking up all the extra luggage on the way, we don’t understand why we shouldn’t just jump to detour because we saw something appealing out the side of our eye.

As you go on your journey, the road that you are on with now, what are the chances of you reaching point B.

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