Waiting On The Lord

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March 21, 2016

Waiting On The Lord

Passage: Exodus 14:1,Isaiah 55:9,John 5:2-8

Waiting on the Lord


Let’s give God some Praise!

One of the major things that we struggle with as new believers in the power of God is waiting on God. We want things immediately and we don’t like having to wait on the things that we believe that we need.

But one on the things that you have got to learn about being a Believer life is not about you, God does not cater to you just because you think that he has to do so. The Spirit of God moves by the authority of God when God so decides.

Exodus 14

One of the main things that we fail to understand about God is that God has a reasoning and a purpose for all the things that he does.

Isaiah 55:9
9  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

You can very well need the assistance of God to do something in your life. From the way you see it, it looks like there is no way out or the way to fix the solution. I need to tell somebody that God fixing your situation is not about your needs but God’s needs.

In our lives there are statements that God wants to make, there are things that God wants to show to others. We get into the mind frame that it’s about you. God moves because has a planned that he has seen in our lives, somewhere down the line, there is something that he needs to happen for his own purpose.

You can sit around and mop and cry and curse God all day long, but that is not going to change the course of the way that he has intending for things to happen.

We struggle with waiting because we don’t understand God. We look at our life and see our needs, but unfortunately according to Isaiah we cannot begin to understand the thoughts of God.

John 5:2-8

What happens if you move before God has set the table for you to move, you got inpatient and decided to take matters into your own hands.

Chances are things are not going to turn out in the manner that has so decided. When you fail to consult with God about things in your life then make no mistake these decisions that you are making are yours and not God’s.

I don’t care how small of a decision it is, it could have been as simple as driving from here to Walmart or as major as one wife, one life, one house for another.

Anything that requires your feet to move, your mouth to talk, your brain to decide, needs to go before the Lord your God.

We make too many decisions in life without the direction of God, we do not even take the time to talk to God about what we are planning. We act like Mike and just do it.

Unfortunately a lot of the things that we do require money, which most of us claim we do not have enough of.

We are not ever going to have enough of it, if we keep spending it without consulting with God first.

Luke 16:10-13
10  He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

And once you have taken it to the Lord, this is when you need to be patient and stop looking for the results through those physical eyes and seeing the results through the spiritual.

You have got to remember that God moves because God needs to move. There is a reasoning and a plan attached to all that God does.

If it be at all possible begin to meditate of the Lord with the things in our lives. Look to Jesus for the answer, take the honest time to sit down in silence and talk to God. You cannot have silent talk with God and the TV and radio is going non-stop.


Let me leave you with this closing scripture. Something to think about as you go through life complaining about your circumstances and situations.


1 Peter 4:1-2 (KJV)
1  Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;
2  That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

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