The armor and the battle

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July 24, 2016

The armor and the battle

Passage: Ephesians 6:10,Romans 13:12-14,2 Cor 10:4, 5


If you can think of a reason to; Give God some praise!

We find ourselves going through the challenges of the day, some of us come home exhausted, beat up and just plain frustrated. Some of us take a long shower or bath and relax, while others of us look for solitude in the word of God.

The way you deal with your day and the understanding of what your day is all about is the issue at hand today. Everybody has a reason for why they think that they are going through whatever it is that they are going through.

As I have told you before we come to learn; what God has to teach us.

Let us turn our text to Ephesians 6:10

If we can understand the what and why we are going through, than there is a strong chance that we can deal with, cope and withstand the challenges that life throws at us in a more positive and direct manner.

As the commercial says, what’s in your wallet? Meaning what comfort and support are you carrying around with you these days.

  • The first thing that we are informed we need to do is put on the armor of God so that we can stand against the wiles of the devil: devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants. To lure or entice.

God wants us to that we are at war with the devil and that he is going to use every trick in the book, and then some. If we do not understand this, then we have no chance of winning the battle.

  • Your battle is not with man himself, meaning it is not really with the kid at school, or the co-worker, or the spouse. It is not with the person that just slammed the brakes on in front of you or cut you off, it is not with the person in the grocery store that cut in front of you, it is not with your siblings or the person on the other end of a utility call.
  • This is the hardest part for us to react to and understand. We by nature immediately want to do battle with these entities as though they are the cause for the battle.
  • But I need to tell you the battle is not with them nor is it about them. God is taking you through and you need to be mentally, physically and spiritually ready to do battle with whatever and whomever is thrown in front of you through a spiritual manner.
  • How do you deal with issues, what is the first thing out of your mouth, what is your first reaction, what do you immediately think about? I am saying this but this is the most important part that you have got to get today.
  • We lose the battle because we know not how to do battle. We are stressed out, depressed, hair coming out, crying, pity party and woe it’s me attitude about the things you are going through instead of getting on your knees and getting the tools necessary to do battle in the correct manner and with the correct attitude.
  • Romans 13:12-14 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
  • 2 Cor 10:4, 5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds ;)
  • 1 Thess 5:8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.


The armor of God is a mindset in which we live in, it is a physical application that we carry around within us daily.

  • The first thing is that we must know God’s truth, we can’t know the truth if we do not study the word of God. Is super important that people are not able to sell you or tell you anything when it comes to life and the way of God. You must know the truth.
  • The second is the Breastplate of Righteousness; the defense mechanism that allows you to know that God loves you. This protects your heart from the lies of inability, low self-esteem, and no self-worth. In the eyes of God we are all important and we wall have worth to God. The word of God we are precious, a royal family, a priesthood, we are of great quality unto God. Let no one deceive you about how God sees you. They are lies used by the devil. The next time somebody tells you how nothing you are, tell them, I may be nothing to you, but I am everything to my God.
  • Next piece of armour is the Footgear; Meaning you are ready to share the word of God with whomever. Don’t be deceive by the lies of satan making you think that a certain person has no interest or that God can be of no use to them. How are we to know that, are mission is to spread the good news, to tell others, to invite others. It is not our job to interview people for God.
  • Next is the Shield of Faith: This is the mindset that we must walk around this earth with. Knowing that no matter what it looks like, no matter who is doing it, no matter where the attacks are coming from or what the catalase is that is being used. We know by faith that God is going to get us through. We know that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and no matter how many times you knock me down, the power of God will get me back up. This is the faith that we stand upon and live upon, this is the mindset that we must learn to incorporate in our daily lives.
  • The Helmet of Salvation: This is us knowing that the commitment we made to God and the gift of salvation that we accepted is real. There can be no doubt in this thinking. You must believe with all your heart and mind that you have the hope of salvation with Jesus Christ. Do not let others persuade you to thinking that God is not real or that you have messed up so bad that you cannot be forgiven of God.
  • Last but not least is the Sword: This is your most affective weapon that you have. The word of God. Being able to call upon and know the word. Being able to rebuke satan in his tracks. Having the word of God in you daily is so crucial to your survival in this world. There used to be a book that came out called the daily word. This was before cell phones, so everyone could read a scripture daily. Well it is time for the daily word in your lives. You have got to find a way to read the word of God daily.

Get it in your mind that the battle we are all in is not with flesh or blood but with the principalities of darkness and that we shall be victorious in our efforts if we keep the armor of God wear it needs to be in our lives.

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