Contingent clause prayer delight

Home / Contingent clause prayer delight
September 11, 2016

Contingent clause prayer delight

Passage: Philippians 4:6,Psalm 37:4-5


Let’s Give God Praise!


One of the jobs of the Pastor’s in the church is to make sure that each and every person that God has given them learns and understands the word of God. Sometimes it is imperative that we go over the same things more than one time.


In recapping we should all know that the Word of God is for anyone that has a desire to learn information about God. The separation of understanding is who is that has to abide by the word of God. And that is only those that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior


That was just a recap because I know everyone is beginning to understanding the difference and then evaluate which category they are in because if you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour than you must abide by his Word.


Something else that I want to share with you today is the Word of God is like a contract. In a contract there is the section that is known as contingent upon. Well there are many parts of the Word of God that the promises of God are contingent upon you doing this or that.


This is the most important part because ministers tend not to mention the contingent upon clause. People will have you to believe that you can have this and you can have, God said this and God said that. And more than likely he did say but you have receive because you did not understand the small print enclosed in the Word of God.


So when you look back and find a scripture that you believe should have been fulfilled in your life; than chances are you have not fulfilled the contingent upon clause or you did not understand the small print.


Let’s get in to message now.


It is very important that everyone here understands this; that each and everything in your life, all your needs, all your desires, all your wants need to be taken to God in prayer.


Philippians 4:6 (KJV)
6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.


Such a small scripture but so much content enclosed:


(That is, be not anxious or solicitous about the things of the present life. The word here used—μεριμνᾶτε—does not mean that we are to exercise no care about worldly matters—no care to preserve our property, or to provide for our families, (1 Timothy 5:8;) but that there is to be such confidence in God as to free the mind from anxiety, and such a sense of dependence on him as to keep it calm.
Barnes' Notes on the New Testament.)


(But in everything. Everything in reference to the supply of your wants, and the wants of your families; everything in respect to afflictions, embarrassments, and trials: and everything relating to your spiritual condition. There is nothing which pertains to body, mind, estate, friends, conflicts, losses, trials, hopes, fears, in reference to which we may not go and spread it all out before the Lord. Barnes' Notes on the New Testament.)


It is important that we understand prayer is such a vital part of the contingent clause of God. God says I will never leave you nor forsake, I will be your friend to the very end but what I need from you is a line of communication. I need you to talking to me, I need you to start discussing with me the things that are going on all around you. Bring it to me and not the postman, nor the man at the bar, and most definitely don’t bring to Facebook or tweet about it.


Some of these so call Christian need to stop putting their business all over Facebook, and then they get upset because somebody commented about something you posted and they have the nerve to say “Yawl need to stay out of my business”. And then the real unchristian part of them comes out and everyone says I thought she was a Christian.

Whatever is going on in your life must be taken to God. Why because it is what God requires of you.


How often do you spend some quality time with God? You could be in your car, walking to school, your house, your shower, your prayer closet, just telling God all about it.


Now let me get into the message:


Hopefully for everyone here there will come a day when you recognize the things that you would like to accomplish in life, the things that you desire, the goals that you want to reach.


Psalm 37:4-5 (KJV)
4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.


This is a very popular verse which is quoted by many people as “didn’t God say he would give you the desires of your heart”. Yes he did but what was the contingent clause that goes with this verse.  DELIGHT (A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind; to affect with great pleasure; to please highly)


So let me break this down in several examples: when it comes to doing the things of God, are you elated, are you eager, are you looking forward to it, are you knocking people over so you can get to the front to do it for God.
You ask people to get involved doing the things of God and they come up with every excuse imaginable, their body language tells you they really don’t want to do it, can’t you find someone else. That is not being delighted in God. That is not showing a high degree of pleasure. Something that gives you pleasure is something that you find yourself doing as much as possible.


You are completely involved in it, nothing can pull you away from your involvement of that which brings your pleasure.


So when it comes to the things of God. You have go to grow into an attitude of being delighted in God.


And once that you are involved in something; you need to complete submit to doing it, don’t give God a half of a measure of your work, complete turn yourself over to god give him all that you have in your servitude to him.


This is a way of life getting the understanding of what your relationship should be about with God and the things of God. So what your parents or grandparents bring you to church. It is the greatest thing that could ever have happen to you.


Because you begin to change your attitude and find pleasure in being in the company of the things of God. When you begin to tell yourself I like doing things for God, when you begin to smile when someone ask you to help with this or that. When you get joy from helping others that is when you begin to reap the benefits and fulfill the contingent clauses in God giving you the desires of your heart.


In order for God to begin to shower down the blessings of heaven you need to be elated and overjoyed about being a servant of the most high God.


I am going to close here but let me leave you with this understanding, you can’t fool God about how you feel. You need to do whatever it takes to get a different attitude about serving God and getting involved in the things of God.


Get excited about being in the house of God, being involved with the things of God. Delight yourself in the ways of God and he will give thee the desires of your heart.

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