April 10, 2016


Passage: Prov 16:17,Titus 2:10-15,Prov 14:12




Let’s give God some Praise!

Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,

Last week we cover the topic of which path or highway or you traveling on. We express that point A is where you are right now today, and that we hope that point B would be Heaven. What we were able to discover is that during one’s life, there are many things that come along and detour you off the right path, there are things that seem to get in your way and cause you to go in directions that you should not being going in.

We also learned that when you get off path and are drawn away by the desires of your heart, you tend to pick up unnecessary luggage, you find yourself tied down with burdens and cares that you could have avoided had you stayed on the right path.

Prov 16:17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.

Titus 2:10-15  Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.

Purloining = stealing, pilfer, embezzle, walk off with, rob, swipe, poach

 Fidelity = loyalty, faithfulness, reliability, trustworthiness, dependability, devotion, conformity

It is extremely important, that once you are able to find the highway that leads to point B, you need to be dedicated to the cause. If you are not dedicated to the cause and ready to conform, you end up with the unnecessary burdens of life along the way.

What we didn’t mention is what some of those unnecessary burdens are? Drug addiction is one, unplanned pregnancy is another, running away from home is another, finding yourself in an abusive relation is another, selling drugs, fighting,  stabbing, maybe killing and ultimately ending up in prison.

Prov 14:12  There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.


People in general get stuck in their own excuses for why they do the things that they do, they justify these things, they rationalize these things, and to themselves only these things are the right things for them to be doing.


But I need to tell you no where in the word of God have I read that the God that I serve is a God of compromising when it comes to his instructions.


We just read in Titus where he says to deny ungodliness and the lust of this world. Too many people in our society have think the ways of the world and the things of the world are okay for them to do because God understand them.


That is a lie, God understands those that deny themselves from the cares of this world, God understands those that say know to the lust of their hearts, God understands those that suffer for the sake of righteousness and denies the things of this world that seem appealing to necessary to them.


The word that I read has never told me that God compromises, it is us that want to compromise the word of God. We get stuck living our daily lives doing our daily things and living life. One day we look up and want to know why I am still in the same situation 1, 5, 10, years later.


You have disillusion yourself into thinking God is burger king, and you can have it your own way.


But I need to tell someone today that God is not the burger king, there is one way and one road that leads to God. Holiness is the way, but unfortunately not to many people want to live holy, because they want to be attached to the world.


You think that the world is what popping, and you got that right because when you find your soul sitting in hell it will be popping.


You need to wake up and get with the OBG crew, that’s owned by God. When you acknowledge that you are owned by God you begin to come into conformity. You things of this world, the lust of this world, the attraction of this world.



You young ladies and men, involved with these relationships and are not married, are sinning before the eyes of God. Fornication is a sin, and for those of you that are not committing fornication, the lust thereof is also a sin. So if you are sitting up talking on phone or sexting with your phone, you are sinning. Don’t even try and justify it by saying we are not going anything. You’re sinning. Lust is a sin.


You find yourselves lying and hiding things, and before you realize it you are sneaking and creeping. And then it is downhill from there.


There is a way that seems right unto man, but in the end it only leads to death. Before I close I need you to understand that your way of doing things, your lifestyle of living, and your rationalization of the sins you commit, is going to have to come to an end.


The more you resist God, the more your refuse to let go of those things that you are holding on too that do not allow you to walk holy, the more difficult life is going to get.


When you let go and let God be the substitute for whatever it is, I guarantee you that you will enjoy the results and effect of God much better.

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